About Us

Sold.LK connects people with Sri Lankan local businesses.

Sold.LK is a digital Sri Lankan market place that lists all businesses and services which operate in Sri Lanka.

We simply don’t list (like yellow pages); instead, we have transformed the way both business owners and customers interact.

For Customers

We have built an all in one business web directory which lists all types of businesses or services which you might be looking for your need.

We have also adequately categorized and tagged all the business listing to make it easier to navigate and filter the results.

Each business listing contains information such as contact details, description, ratings with reviews, working hours, location with a map, and much more.

Overall our goal is to help you find what you are looking for with the littlest effort possible.

For Business Owners

We help your large business or small local business we will help you to get discovered by thousands of Sri Lankans.

In this competitive market, it’s essential to make your business visible to your target audience.

We make sure that your business is shown to the right customers and also will bring visitors from search engines like Google.

Overall our goal is to be your digital marketing provider and provide the necessary tools to grow your sales and business.

Are you ready to start your journey?

If you are a customer start here

If you are a business submit your details

Sold.LK is a project of Maxinium and it’s founded by Alston Antony and Delon Antony.

If you any inquires please follow use the contact page in the website footer.

Thank you for checking Sold.LK and We hope you have a wonderful day.